A girl like you...A girl like me...
A girl in the back pew of the old church,
A girl lurking around the corner, hoping and wishing to be seen...
A girl without a voice.
The one who wants for the sun...Her sun.
She hopes that someday it'll shine again...if at all it did shine.
The girl without a home to call her own but will gladly scrub your floors to make her bed.
The girls whose heart and might is in her daily chores but won't mind to sparing a thought for her dreams.
The girl who stares at you in admiration hoping that someday she'll be deserving of the things you own...well, not all of them.
The girl who gets a scar or more for every of her mistakes.
Don't you know that she'll love to look beautiful too?
If she can't be beautiful, should she be deprived of her sleep?
She has not asked for more sleeping hours, all she pleads for is that your young ravaging male doesn't find her a prey for his kingdom...
She cries as her mind and body are violated with increasing power for the mighty.
She tries to wash the pain away but can the smear of her heart be erased?
Words bear down on her heavily, yes...they hurt.
The sticks might not have broken her bones but the words have damaged her soul.
Is this girl even allowed to dream?
Maybe she wasn't spared a thought for her dreams after all...
Maybe it was a silent prayer from the depth of her hollow heart,
A prayer to God that he should take her away...
Maybe he would hear her someday...one day.
This is the story of a girl...
...a girl you know.
Kindly share
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